Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Value of Rest

I woke up on Saturday morning and my legs were throbbing.

I had put in an average of 11 miles a day for the last 10 days and I had to take a day off. I went out and shuffle jogged around for 20min before coming back inside and spending most of the day doing recovery stuff.

I woke up on Sunday extremely hungover from Halloween parties the night before but physically feeling alright. I trotted out the door in the crisp fall air and just enjoyed the monotony. The thing is, I could tell I was moving faster than usual but I didn't care, it felt easy. Really really easy.

The miles peeled away without any over 6:50, and eventually I found myself done with the full 15 at 6:38 pace. I've run this sort of time before, but it's always because I'm running with faster people and am being pulled along relentlessly.

No so today, it just felt easy. So easy.

Skip to Monday night, an I'm headed out the door for my typical 10 mile base run. Again, I'm simply bouncing along, running at what I know is a solid base effort and I find the pace is pretty fast.

I'm at 2 miles in 11:51. Doesnt hurt, but then again it's only 2 miles. Understandable.

I'm at 5 miles in 29:50. Doesn't hurt at all. Okay now it's weird.

At 6 I'm still fine, and at 7 I start laughing, realizing that I'm going to run under 6min pace with no real hard effort at all.

59:38. Like walking.

Fuck I love running.

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