Sunday, April 17, 2011

Conference Decisions

In the 90+ degree heat yesterday, I PR'd in the 1500. The race was honestly one of the most painful things I can ever remember doing.

The plan: Have me pace through 500/600meters @ 63s pace, then have our faster guys take over and drag me through the rest of the race.

The goal: Beat LaVerne's #1, AND make him tired enough to be a non-factor doubling back in the 5k later on. Also, personally, go sub4.

The Race.

The gun goes and two LaVerne guys burst out to the early lead. I settle in, content with their pace but they slow. A hand wave from a teammate at 200m tells me that this is not what we planned for. I move up and push

We go through 300m just on 49seconds, and 400m just on 64 seconds. I continue to push the pace, but settle into something more feasible. 63s. As I start to slow down a tad just before 800m, my teammates take over. 2:07, me 2:08

I hang and hang jesus christ it's hot just stick on the back of laverne, you have more footspeed

300m to go

I think he's dying

200m to go

He's definitely dying, I'm clipping his heels and I haven't even changed gears yet.

100m to go

I give everything and float by him cross the line jesus it hurts why does it hurt so much i dont remember this pain fuck its hot

I spend the next 30min in a combination of jogging and vomiting.

The time isn't as fast as I would have liked, but you can never be too upset with a PR.

The issue: It puts me at #5 on the conference lists for the 1500, but I got knocked down to #9 on the 800m list. So what do I run at conference?

I don't think I can win the 1500, it's stronger up top, but making finals and scoring is basically assured. I could actually win the 800 if I run spectacular, the #1 mark is naught more than 1.5s ahead of me from a time I ran over a month ago.

BUT, there are so many people so close together, I could not even make the final. Or if I do I could not even place.

But I could win.

I'm gambling. Do I place my bet on a sure thing with slim risk and small reward? Or do I place my bet on a high-risk ticket, with huge reward?

Decisions like these kill me.

1 comment:

  1. High risk high reward is the only way to go and I have faith in you just like you should have in yourself that you will win.
