Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Running Free

Today was an easy base run, only 40min. We went out to a big public park around a lake, and did an out & back @ ~7min pace. We were just cruising, making jokes, laughing, getting pumped for the post season, summer base, and next XC season. Runners are always looking one step ahead.

This is what it's all about.

The spring sun bared down on me, the heat negated by a cool breeze coming off the water as we ran along side of it. Just me and a couple other teammates, all of us having run under 4:24 in the mile, enjoying the easiness and lightness of this run.

If a runners high existed for the non-jogging elite, we harnessed it.

To us, this is easier than walking, at a pace that would startle pedestrians. Normal people don't know what it feels like to be in this kind of shape, and usually it's not the best feeling. Constantly tired, sore, tight, and stiff.

But not these days. These are the days where we can just let cruise without getting tired, where we feel like we could run forever. These are the tapering days, that special two-three week period that comes twice year before the conference meet where the work gets very hard, but short, and the legs begin to recover quickly.

These are the peaking days.

These are the days where we can just go out and Run.


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